heparin sodium cream
Clinical observation of heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis
HE Rong-guo HE Rong-guo
(Dept. of Dermatology, the 12th People Hospital of Guangzhou,Guangzhou 510405,China) (Dept. of Dermatology, the 12th People Hospital of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510405, China)
Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of heparin sodium cream(HEPUDIOD ) combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis. Method The heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream was applied topically in the treatment group. Either of them was applied topically in the control group. Result The effect of heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream was better than either of them in treating exfoliative cheilitis. Conclusion The effect is satisfying with heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis. Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of heparin sodium cream (HEPUDIOD) combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis. Method The heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream was applied topically in the treatment group. Either of them was applied topically in the control group . Result The effect of heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream was better than either of them in treating exfoliative cheilitis. Conclusion The effect is satisfying with heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis.
Key words: heparin sodium; corticosteroid; exfoliative cheilitis Key words: heparin sodium; corticosteroid; exfoliative cheilitis
剥脱性唇炎病因不明,局部表现为口唇暗红,微肿,反复脱屑,表面干燥,本病无特效治疗方法,经久不愈[1]。 Exfoliative cheilitis of unknown etiology, local performance for the lips Anhong, micro-swelling, repeatedly scaling, dry surface, the effects of the disease without treatment, perishable Buyu [1]. 2003年5月至2004年5月,我们用肝素钠乳膏(商品名海普林)治疗剥脱性唇炎,取得了较好的疗效,现报告如下。 May 2003 to May 2004, we used heparin cream (trade names hepudiod) in the treatment of Exfoliative cheilitis, and achieved good effect, are reported as follows.
1 资料与方法 1 information and methods
1.1 临床资料 1.1 clinical data
64例患者为皮肤科门诊就诊者,均符合剥脱性唇炎的诊断标准,排除并发真菌感染病例,其中男28例,女36例,11~38岁,病程1个月~3年。 64 cases of patients with outpatient treatment for skin, Exfoliative cheilitis meet the diagnostic criteria, ruled out with fungal infections, including 28 males and female 36 cases, 11 to 38 years old, a course of months to three years. 各组患者年龄、性别、临床表现无显著差异。 All patients age, sex, clinical performance was not significantly different.
1.2 治疗方法 1.2 treatment
将64例患者分为3组,治疗组采用海普林(山东正大福瑞达制药有限公司产)和丁酸氢化可的松软膏(商品名尤卓尔,天津药业公司产)联合外用(23例),每日3次;对照组分别为单用尤卓尔(19例)和单用海普林(22例),每日3次。 64 patients were divided into three groups, the treatment group used hepudiod (Shandong Chia Tai Fu Ruida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. births) and acid hydrocortisone ointment (trade names You Zhuoer, Tianjin Pharmaceutical Corporation births) Joint Topical (23 cases), three times a day; control group were alone You Zhuoer (19 cases) and single-use hepudiod (22 cases), three times a day. 3组用药后均轻揉患处。 Three groups after treatment are Qingrou the affected area. 连续用药4周,每周复诊1次,4周后判定疗效。 Medication for four weeks, one referral a week, four weeks after the judgement effect. 治疗后查血、尿常规及出凝血时间。 After the investigation of blood, urine and blood coagulation of conventional time.
1.3 疗效判定标准 1.3 Clinical criteria
痊愈:皮损基本消退,无脱屑, 唇红润有光泽,痒或疼感消失,随诊2周无复发;显效:脱屑不明显, 唇稍暗红仍有轻度干燥,痒或疼感明显减轻,随诊2周无复发;有效:仍有少量脱屑,唇稍暗红仍有轻度干燥,痒或痛感减轻,随诊2周无加重及复发;无效:皮损无改善,疼痛或痒感明显。 Recovery: basic skin lesions dissipated, no scaling, Hongrun a lip gloss, itch or pain flu disappeared, follow-up two weeks without recurrence; markedly effective: scaling was not obvious, lips slightly Anhong still mildly dry, itch or pain flu Reduced significantly, the follow-up two weeks without recurrence; effective: there is still a small number of scaling, lips slightly Anhong still mildly dry, itching or alleviate pain, follow-up two weeks without increasing and relapse; invalid: no lesions improved, pain Or Yanggan obvious. 有效率=(痊愈例数+显效例数)/总例数×100%。 Efficient = (+ markedly effective recovery of a few cases of) / total number of cases × 100%.
2 结果 2 results
治疗结果见表1。 Treatment results in table 1. 联合治疗组的有效率明显高于尤卓尔对照组和海普林对照组。 In the treatment group was significantly higher than that of an efficient control and hepudiod You Zhuoer the control group. 各组患者在治疗过程中均未出现明显局部及全身不良反应。 All patients in the course of treatment had no significant local or systemic adverse reactions.
表1 3种方法治疗剥脱性唇炎疗效比较 Table 1 three kinds of methods for stripping effects of cheilitis
3 讨论 3 discussion
海普林主要成分为肝素钠、玻璃酸钠、尿囊素等,有较强的渗透作用,能够软化皮肤角质,增进毛细血管的通透性,改善局部血液循环,灭活炎症介质[2],对多种炎性皮肤病如神经性皮炎、慢性湿疹等有较好疗效。 Hepudiod major components for heparin and sodium hyaluronate, allantoin, and so on, have a stronger role in the infiltration, to soften the skin keratinocytes, enhance the permeability of the capillaries and improve local blood circulation, inactivated inflammatory mediators [2 ], On a variety of inflammatory skin diseases such as neurodermatitis and chronic eczema, and so have better efficacy. 海普林和尤卓尔联合应用治疗剥脱性唇炎,效果较好,主要是由于两者有协同作用,尤卓尔可促进海普林的抗炎作用,海普林可增加尤卓尔的渗透作用,减少其不良反应,缩短疗程。 You Zhuoer Hepudiod and combined treatment Exfoliative cheilitis, better-performing, mainly because there are synergies, Hepudiod You Zhuoer can promote the anti-inflammatory effect, the Hepudiod increase You Zhuoer Infiltration and to reduce its adverse reactions to shorten the course of treatment. 两者联用优于单用,值得临床进一步推广。 Taken together with better than single-use, it is worth further promote clinical.
参考文献 References
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