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I own the book. It is a hoax.
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I own the book. It is a hoax.

I own the book and it has no/zero scientific basis in fact.  Here are two reviews from amazon:


Mr. McCulley's book is an interesting personal tale. Somehow, he believes his personal experience represents some sort of universal medical truth. It is anything but.

This book is entirely theory, and theory with more holes in it than a Swiss cheese factory. He presents absolutely no clinical studies to substantiate his theories. His theories of the cause and treatment of diabetes are totally untested in any population of diabetics. He has not done the scientific work of proving his theories.

His characterization of "dead" foods and "live" foods is bizarre. His insistence that prescriiption and over-the-counter medications are "dead foods" that should be avoided at all costs is on its face ridiculous. Eventually, we all get sick. Eventually, we all need medications. Eventually, we all die.

His prescriiption of eating large amounts of wild salmon ignores the heavy metal contamination with copper, cobalt, and cadmium present in wild salmon.

The rest of his book is no more than everyday common sense advice - exercise, eat vegetables, test your blood sugar, avoid trans fats, etc. that all diabetics should already know.

The major problem with this book is that it can raise unrealistic expectations that all diabetics can be cured, so that they no longer need medications. While all diabetics can benefit from proper diet and exercise, almost all type 1's and many, if not most, type 2's will continue to require medications.

Mr. McCulley's dietary theories would be much more convincing if he had subjected them to proper scientific clinical testing before trying to make a profit off of them.


Don't bother with this book and save your money for better things. Dr. Berstein's Diabetes Solution is by far the best book on managing diabetes. It is better written, more complete, and easier to understand.

I agree with both reviews and follow what it recommends - the Dr. Bernstein book.  It is basically what my internationally recognized clinic recommends (they have been doing extensive research of diabetes since 1923), and I control my Type II by following this book (without medication) - and my clinic's recommendations which are almost identical.



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