Mineral Toxicity as cause of Emotional Problems
I have been dealing with Adrenal Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, Candida and other things. This has lead me to be extremely irritated and feel persecuted very easily.
I just found this web site:
Calcium — Keyword: Protective.
Low Calcium:
Emotionally unstable, irritable, hyperkinetic behaviors, short tempered, tense, unable to slow down, extroverted.
High Calcium:
Rigid, withdrawn, calcium shell, introverted, sluggish, insensitive, diminished awareness.
Physiological Correlates:
Calcium is an element that readily forms solid compounds and is in great part, responsible for the structural strength of the body. Calcium metabolism is principally regulated by the thyroid and adrenal glands, which are also involved in regulating the metabolic rate. Thus it is not surprising that abnormalities in calcium levels are associated with changes in the metabolic rate.
Magnesium — Keyword: Relaxation.
Low Magnesium:
High-strung, irritable, hyperactive, belligerent.
High Magnesium:
Withdrawn, sluggish, depressed, sleepy. Hibernating animals exhibit very high magnesium levels.
Physiological Correlates:
Magnesium is known to exert a powerful sedative effect on the muscular and nervous system. Magnesium is also necessary for many enzymes associated with energy production. Abnormal magnesium levels, not surprisingly, detrimentally affect energy levels.
Sodium — Keyword: Emergency energy.
Low Sodium:
Fatigued, lethargic, depressed, unable to get started.
High Sodium:
Active, high energy, aggressive, self-starters.
Physiological Correlates:
Sodium is regulated primarily by levels of aldosterone, an adrenal cortical hormone. Sodium is intimately involved with the emergency adrenal response, adrenalin and aldosterone. Sodium is the first mineral to respond to stress and is essential for the initiation of the fight-flight mechanism to raise blood pressure, increase the rate of heartbeat, mobilize
Sugar from the liver and generally prepare the organism for fight or flight.
Potassium — Keyword: Follow through, or adaptive energy.
Low Potassium:
Fatigued, depressed, withdrawn, low energy, low stamina.
High Potassium:
Overactive, good stamina.
Physiological Correlates:
Potassium metabolism is regulated by glucocorticoid and thyroid activity. Glucocorticoids, as opposed to adrenalin, are the longer-acting adrenal hormones. By releasing glycogen from the liver, these hormones are responsible for long-term energy.
Iron — Keyword: Strength.
Low Iron:
Tired, weak, anemic, low energy.
High Iron:
Hostile, aggressive, rigid.
Physiological Correlates:
Besides its important role in bringing oxygen to the tissues, iron is intimately involved in energy production.
Copper — Keyword: Gentleness, emotionality, the feminine mineral.
Low Copper:
Diminished emotional response.
High Copper:
Effeminate, weak, sentimental, childish, fears, depressed, extreme emotions, schizophrenic syndrome, violence, premenstrual syndrome, postpartum psychosis.
Physiological Correlates:
Copper is necessary for energy production and for thyroid and adrenal function. The thyroid gland is intimately associated with one's emotional life.
An excess of bio-available copper stimulates excessive secretion of the biogenic amines - catecholamine, which exerts powerful effects on brain chemistry. Copper is also intimately associated with estrogen levels, which can explain the connection with menstruation and pregnancy.
Zinc — Keyword: Steadiness, the masculine element.
Low Zinc:
Emotional weakness, indecision, male impotency, heightened emotional life, effeminate, schizoid-like tendencies.
High Zinc:
Diminished emotional life, detached martyr type.
Physiological Correlates:
Zinc is necessary for protein synthesis, many enzyme systems and is critical for the functioning of the male reproductive system. Zinc acts as a sedative, anti- stress element.
Manganese — Keyword: Rigidity.
Low Manganese:
Fatigued, lethargic, weakness.
High Manganese:
Rigid, schizophrenia.
Physiological Correlates:
Manganese is involved in energy production, in collagen formation and neuromuscular function.
Chromium — Keyword: Flexibility.
Low Chromium:
Mood swings (hypoglycemia).
High Chromium:
Represents a chromium loss.
Physiological Correlates:
Chromium is part of the glucose tolerance factor, which is synergetic with insulin in controlling both blood and cellular
Sugar levels.
Toxic Metals
High Lead:
Dull, retarded, hyperactivity, tremors, neurological diseases.
Physiological Correlates:
Lead is primarily stored in the brain and bones. Lead toxicity causes anemia and severely affects brain function.
High Mercury:
Emotional, hyperactive, the madhatters.
Physiological Correlates:
Mercury is deposited in the kidneys and brain, resulting in kidney damage and emotional aberrations.
High Cadmium:
Stubborn, controlling, tunnel vision, emotional, egotistical, pseudo-masculinity, aggressive.
Physiological Correlates:
Cadmium has a powerful aldosterone-like effect, raising sodium and favoring fast oxidation. Cadmium also lowers copper, thus covering up fears. Moreover cadmium lowers calcium, speeding up the oxidation rate. Cadmium substitutes for zinc in many enzyme binding sites, so emotionally it isn't surprising that cadmium should have masculinizing effects.
High Aluminum:
Forgetful, childlike behavior, dementia.
Physiological Correlates:
Aluminum inhibits acetylcholine and is responsible for the formation of neurofibrillary tangles that short-circuit brain function.
Low Sodium/Potassium Ratio:
Fatigued, burned-out, hostile, frustrated, resentful, defensive, depressed, unable to let go.
High Sodium/Potassium Ratio:
Forward-looking, a starter, anxious, aggressive, volatile, pushing it.
Physiological Correlates:
The sodium/potassium ratio is a vital indicator of electrolyte balance and is regulated largely by the balance of the pro-inflammatory adrenal hormones (aldosterone) and the anti-inflammatory adrenal hormones (cortisone).
Low Zinc/Copper Ratio:
Copper dominance, with all the characteristics of high copper, fears, heightened emotionalism, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, etc.
High Zinc/Copper Ratio:
Zinc dominant - diminished emotionality, depression, apathy, martyrdom. However, frequently copper is bio-unavailable and frequently zinc is displaced upwards by cadmium so that a high zinc/copper is not always a true reflection of the condition of the body chemistry.
Physiological Correlates:
Zinc and copper have an important synergistic/antagonistic relationship. The ratio of zinc to copper can thus be a helpful indicator for determining zinc and copper status.
High Calcium/Potassium and low
Sodium/Magnesium Ratios (Slow oxidation):
Fatigued, plodding, apathetic, withdrawn, introverted, low energy, depressed, thinking of the past, fearful, despairing and anxious.
Low Calcium/Potassium and high
Sodium/Potassium Ratios (Fast oxidation):
Extroverted, outgoing, high energy, nervous, anxious, thinking of the future, aggressive, paranoid, prone to energy and mood swings.
Physiological Correlates:
Slow Oxidation - Calcium levels are regulated by both the thyroid and adrenal glands. Sodium and potassium levels are largely regulated by adrenal function, as explained in earlier sections. A high calcium level corresponds to reduced thyroid function and low sodium and potassium levels correspond to reduced adrenal hormone output. For these reasons, a high calcium/potassium ratio and low sodium/magnesium ratios correspond to a slow metabolic rate. As the metabolic rate falls, energy production diminishes and release of glycogen from the liver is impaired. As a result, the sedative elements, calcium and magnesium, rise in the tissues, causing feelings of
Depression and fatigue.
One reason slow oxidizers dwell in the past is that most slow oxidizers remember a time when they had more energy.
The slow oxidizers can become apathetic and withdrawn because they lack the energy to do things or interact with people. Withdrawal and apathy are means of conserving energy.
Slow oxidizers can become despairing because when energy production drops to a certain level, life hardly feels worth living. Today a frightening fact is that many teenagers and even children are in this group of despairing slow oxidizers. This can lead to drug and alcohol use and suicide.
Fast Oxidation - Fast oxidizers (high sodium/potassium) are lavish with energy and often look for people or things to spend it on.
The true fast oxidizer really has the energy to spend, but this type of individual is a rarity today. More frequently, the fast oxidizer is addicted to stress and becomes uncomfortable if there is no action. The reason is that without stress of some kind, his adrenal glands would slow down and he would begin to develop many of the symptoms commonly associated with slow oxidation. To avoid that state, the fast oxidizer instinctively seeks stress and keeps going no matter what. Some people can do well this way for a long time.
When the oxidation rate becomes too fast, a person begins to experience the effects of low calcium and magnesium - namely a hyperactivity of the nervous and muscular system, anxiety, muscle spasms and cramps. He may become paranoid and aggressive because the increased secretion of adrenal hormones and low calcium gives his nervous system a hair-trigger sensitivity and irritability. This is designed as a protective device as part of the fight-flight response, but when the metabolic rate becomes too fast, judgment becomes impaired, the individual becomes hyper excitable and enters, what appears to him to be an out-of-control state.
The effect of fast oxidation can be seen most easily in a baby who becomes tired as the day goes on. He becomes more irritable, more difficult to control, to the point of simply screaming at the slightest provocation. A vicious cycle is set up, because as the child's oxidation rate increases, calcium and magnesium levels drops making him even more sensitive to stress. Each stress in turn causes increased adrenal secretion, worsening the fast oxidation. A nap frequently solves the problem by breaking the vicious cycle, allowing restoration of the calcium and magnesium (sedative elements) and resting the adrenal and thyroid glands.