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No, haven't tried that..
hugo Views: 2,600
Published: 17 y
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No, haven't tried that..

If something says "Cures Herpes", it's a red flag that it's a scam because there isn't a cure. The virus just doesn't work that way. That's not to say that there aren't things that can help us reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms if we're troubled with them. Eating a healthy Diet is one of those things as it helps our immune system work well, as does getting enough rest, getting enough exercise and doing what we can to reduce stress in our lives.

About the acyclovir.. Taking one dose a day isn't much help. The serum half-life of acyclovir is just a few hours so you have half the day where it's not working at all and can let the virus replication get cranked up again before the dose the next day. Take at least 2 doses of 400 mg about 12 hours apart for suppression.

About studies.. Here's a list of some herpes studies.
It might be somewhat out of date now. I'll try to contact the person who wrote that and see if there's an update.

Good luck and let me know if I can help further.



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