Mrsnelson78, I am 6 months post removal and I can relate to you. I suffered terrible after having the mirena and I only had it in 10 days, if you can believe that. I had alot of weakness, numbness and that "dead' feeling in my left arm and leg. It was especially worse right when I woke up in the morning and then as I moved around it seemed to get better. I am doing quite a bit better now although i still feel like im recovering. I get alot of pain in my leg foot and leg still. I dont feel like im dying all the time though. I would take a good vitamin and excerise if you can. I didnt do much of anything for 4 months cause I felt awful but now I have my energy back and keep up with all i have to do. I sympathize with you and im so glad you found this site. There is alot of support here. Unfortunately I dont know how long it will be before you feel yourself again. But i think eventually we all will get past this. HUGS!!