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Re: Digestion problem - Please answer

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Marlene2038 Views: 6,379
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Re: Digestion problem - Please answer

Hi Jmana,

Jamana Said+know I will be shot down for suggesting this, but my feeling is this stuff kills off all the good bacteria in the digestive system, and really affects the body's ability to process food. I've noticed since starting this stuff that every time I eat anything I get terrible gas and bloating, which lasts for several hours. Plus I seem to be slightly constipated, and have been resorting to enemas for the last few days to get things moving. The other thing I've noticed is I get really bad heartburn and even acid reflux, which I never got before starting this Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

Marlene ANSWER, I had heart burn and indigestion before starting the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . It stopped very quickly. I believe it is due to the die off. I passed lots of foamy stuff which I believe was dead yeast. I started doing enema's, colonics and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement implants after several months on the MMS. I felt they helped a lot. Didn't have any Queezie feelings of diarrhea after I started making sure everything was dumping frequently. I feel the water can go around mass so getting the colonics got the masses out. I was told by the therapist that I was passing Mercury sand and she showed me the deposits in the tube.

Jamana says-I am currently taking 10 drops twice a day with cider vinegar afterward. I supposed the vinegar could be causing these symptoms also, but I think the MMS is more to blame, especially considering this MMS seems like a really nasty chemical, at least that's how it smells and tastes.

Marlene Reply,You say you take the vinegar after taking the MMS do you activate the MMS before taking it with citric acid or vinegar or lemon or lime juice???

Jamana says Plus the fact that every time someone has problems, it is suggested the person is taking too much, so that leads me to believe this stuff is basically a poison, and the trick is to take enough of the poison to kill the bad stuff, but not too much to kill the good stuff. But if that is true, then even in smaller doses some good stuff is bound to get killed.

Marlene Reply Everyone has their own opinions. My opinion is that MMS is killing, pathogens, yeast, and disintegrating metals and toxins. My body reacted by flushing out as much of this diluted dead particles fast as possible. It happened quickly and my symptoms went away. I do not agree that it is poison. I believe it caused a herx in my body. I took the MMS at increasing doses for 9 months and now am doing 6 drops maintenance dose. I am now feeding and nourishing my body with the vitamin, minerals and supplements that I had taken before starting the MMS. I am still feeling well and have none of the symptoms of MS I had before taking MMS. The reason I continue is to maintain my immune system and possibly prevent any dormant forms of pathogens especially Lyme BB from returning. I hope this information is helpful to you. The MMS has helped a lot of people and more are starting all the time. MW



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