it is horrifyingly huge. the RDA of Iodine is .15mg. on a one to one basis of weight, 1.2mg of fluoride will displace 8 days worth of Iodine in the body. fluoride is also the lightest halogen so it takes a lot more Iodine to displace it, many many times a 1:1 ratio, than it does bromine. once its in, its hard to get rid of. this fact is what drew me to iodine in the first place.
if people knew the danger of fluoride, even one tenth of it, they would be armed and int he streets demanding it be taken from their environment. instead, they are severely impaired in their brain and in their soul so that they cant even think about it. i know more about fluoride than i do about iodine. there is nothing good about fluoride. not one little tiny single tidbit of info that is positive regarding human health. for anyone to suggest it is the height of ignorance.