Re: Baking soda and mms
As per Jim Humble BAKING soda completely deactivates
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ..
Also taking a bath of it with hydrogen peroxyde +
Epsom Salts is also sure to render
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement useless unless you wait 4 hrs or so..
If you have fungus,candidas,. etc do NOT take Apple cider vinegar as it favors its growth ;stick to
citric acid ..This is why Jim Humble no longer recommends apple cider vinegar..
If you do not like
citric acid then use citrus or lime juice(pure)-freshly squeezed from the fruits..
Hint- do not try to mix up all kinds of things-keep it simple-this is what I am doing and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement does work for me..So avoid vitamins,superfoods with MMS,etc..
Yes taking MMS + DMSO does enhance its potency so you will have to diminish your MMS drop outtakes..
I take MMS in a mixture of pure apple+ grape very palatable-just pure apple juice-the tart taste tends to get at you after a few bottles..
If you take MMS+DMSO I do recommend taking it with the above juice as just plain MMS+
DMSO want to continue taking MMS,thus...
Note I am presently using 50% DMSO;70% DMSO would be better but I do not recommend taking 90% DMSO with MMS unless you proceed carefully,one drop of MMS increase at a time..