Day 3 of Charlie's tonic
For anyone curious. I havent seen many posts from those of us who have started on Charlies tonic. Ive taken 2 doses and Im just going to post what it is doing so far for me.
I know most of you are aware of LBB. I took it for a year and it worked ok, but then I just couldnt go even if I took 9 a day. WEll, the first morning after just one teaspoon of Charlies tonic and I went twice. Small amounts, but I went !! and there is NO sense of urgency, you can really tell it is the bile production doing the work. And there have been no side affects. I will post more after a week maybe because I know when I decided to give it a shot, I wanted to hear what it was doing for other people. OH, and I totally understand now why he doesnt mass produce. this stuff doesnt "feel" strong, like no cramps or funny feelings, but it is potent and quality.
No, Charlie did not pay me to do this ! So please do not reply with arguments or suspisions. Look at my past 5 years of posts on curezone and you will see Im not into the hirarchy on curezone.