Probiotics, fiber rich foods and exercise. Don't fast again too soon. I think you should seek professional help. Not to insult you. It'd help you.
My brother told me a story about his friend when I told him how hard it is to be in great shape. He said he knows a guy that either does not drink or he gets totally trashed. My brother suggested that he have one drink and go home. So he did. He enthusiastically reported to my brother that it was amazing, he had two light drinks and went home totally sober!!!!!! My brother's point: It's all in your head: Being fat, purging, starving, beating yourself up. It's all a state a mind. Your state of mind needs to change.
I have had bulemia for years, and for the first time I have clarity about that. i need to change my MIND, not so much my body. The mind is the cause the body result is the effect.
Many wishes of good luck to you. Please help yourself. ((((((((((sc2007)))))))))))