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Re: 94191
shortangle2 Views: 3,561
Published: 17 y
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Re: 94191

You wrote of Tom:

"He is assuming a similar effect will occur if minerals in the gut or blood are there at the same time as ClO2"

I think that's it in a nutshell. He is assuming. He doesn't know. Normally, this is how Science progresses along. The problem is, mms is out and available to people. Generally, this sort of "experimentation" is done before a product is made available to the general public.

As a result of the pure ignorance about ingesting mms, no one should recommend another person take it, and no one should be encouraging others to try it.

That's all. btw, there is no information you can read that qualifies as objective regarding how mms acts in the body (except that it goes everywhere) on which you could make a decision. Otherwise, it's just people's guesses and opinions. Now, if that's not true, I would love to read what there is out there that I haven't seen yet. Thanks.


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