Re: Amato vitamin/mms question
Yes I was taking vit A, B complex, Vit C (away from
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ) and Vit K.
I'm symptom free.I'm like I was before UC.I drink, I smoke, I eat whatever I want.I just live my life.Although it was hard for me to imagine such thing in the past, finally the God listened to all those souls who cared about me, by getting me to find the Zapper and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
2 months after I quitted
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I started taking 6 drops weekly for prevention, as Jim Humble says.
I didn't take any probiotics, but while on MMS I made sure I ate a yogurt with probiotic culture every morning, after my night MMS dose.No ther allopathic drugs.
I'm not sure of the interactions of MMS with other drugs, but if I remember well, Humble writes they can be taken hours apart in the same day.
I know how you're feeling.I have gone through this despair.But try further and one day you'll achieve to be UC-free.
Best health to all of you