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Whoa, Scarface!
gilda Views: 1,481
Published: 16 y
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Whoa, Scarface!

Had to respond to the aluminum in your test! I had tons of aluminum and got rid of it by iv chelation with EDTA, but I kept wondering where in the heck I got it from. I avoided aluminum in pans and deordorant all my life, knowing the danger.

After much research, I found an article online that explained that a lack of MAGNESIUM (which may be the cause of your heart rythmm issue) and an imbalance of calcium (we are a calcium oriented society; milk, ice cream) somehow causes the body to "collect" and retain aluminum. Seems mag and cal "fight" each other.

I will try to find the article for you if you'd like. But it sounds like some of your issues are coming together, similar to mine.

I'd get on top of that or the aluminum will collect in your body over the years until it affects your brain (forgetting things, similar to alzheimer's).

I really suggest magnesium orotate as it is most effectively utlized in the body without causing diarhhea or stomach upset. And mag takes along time to saturate the tissues; I can take 6000 mgs per day (oked by the dr, md and nd) without problems and it really helps the heart, along with hyaluronic acid. In fact, the connective tissue disorder site says they work together.


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