So how are u?... I hope you passed your first day successfully being strong!:)
I have read here in one of the posts that it is easier to start your fast after your evening meal. And by the time you wake up next day u will be half way through ur first day... During my days off I cant start any fasts if I decided to stay home. EVERYTHING reminds me about food. It is just like a nightmare.
My last fast of 10 days (4 months ago)I did pretty well. I was not hungry at all and a fast was relatively trouble free. At the end of my 10 days I felt like keep going and going but I needed to stop due to the new start of my job and I needed time for refeeding. My last meal before fast was quite late (all day I was eating just raw vegies and fruits; my last meal was vegies and salmon). Next day I was drinking teas including lax tea (to make my bowl cleaner and avoid enemas). My second day was just on water.