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Re: Update
montrealhomegrown Views: 1,937
Published: 17 y
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Re: Update

I don't really believe in taking supplement for deficiencies, if your body is deficient in something typically it would mean you have poor nutrient absorption. Taking supplements would not be fixing the root problem.

I remember doing some research on zinc back in the day when I first got EC, I think it had more success on people with chapped lips. Once I take that liver tonic my body should be able to get everything it needs from food... hopefully ;D

"I request you to post a message with all your pics and your complete healing saga"

The "saga" isn't complete until my lips have fully healed ;D I don't want to lead anyone on and say my lips are better than they actually are. They still peel, they still look like $h1t sometimes but overall the condition is much more manageable than when I first got it years back. The skin that peels off is much more thin and cleanly slides off when I peel. For the most part people don't even know I have EC. Once my lips have healed 100% and don't peel whatsoever I will gladly make a post explaining everything I have done ect..

"Speaking of melatonin brings a question to my mind, where is 64643 these days?"

CF posted a diagram a few days ago that explained his ideas about EC.


If you ask me I'd say CF's ideas are on point. He has done some amazing research so far. One downfall is I find when you research something in great detail like he is doing you tend to over complicate things. Health can be an endless maze unless you simplify. When I look at that diagram I see great relevant research but I don't agree with the lips being the root cause of EC. Either way I'm sure CF knows what he's doing.. I wouldn't be surprised to see him find a cure.

Overall this forum seems to be headed in a good direction, quite a few people are trying different things. Most of the trouble makers are gone (except me of course ><) A cure can't be far off ;D


Hey Lost,

Thanks again for all the great info you've been supplying!

Imma send you a message tomorrow

Peace all ~~




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