Are you going to do it different?
Over the decades I've wrote about Fixx maybe 5 times.
His family was a VERY short lived bunch.
Can't remember if it just the men?
He however, due to eating "healthy" and exercise lived a whopping 1/3 longer than any of the rest.
If you've listened to Bruce Lipton on YouTube you'd know genetics isn't what you think it is.
During Fixx's time we didn't have a lot of the medical tests we have now.
He could have lived into normal life expectancies if he had done a number of these tests and found methods to correcting them.
My Mother's 3 brothers died in their early 60's.
Like me I assume they had Lipo(a).
But they didn't know about it as there were no tests for it at the time.
Much less a protocol for correcting it.
I'll be 55 this year and so far over the last decade, I've had 2 ultrasounds done of my heart to verify plaque location and amount, within the vessels of the heart.
2 blood pressure cuff tests that shows large and small blood vessel utilization.
While the ultrasound of the heart was reassuring as well as the large blood vessel reading.
The reading for small blood vessels (or peripheral arteries) was not.
Indicating the Lipo(a) may affect the body in a more "hidden" manner.
I indirectly verified this with my Gold Standard who has Lipo(a) as well.
When we used a certain herb it caused blood vessels to "blow out" deep within our hands.
Indicating a weakened vessel condition. Very painful.
She's been on the protocol going on a year now.
Lipo(a) in unaffected by exercise or diet.
When we've completed it we'll try the herb again.
(For those who have read my posts it would be similar (we hope) to the chlorella working after Iodine detoxing of the intestines)
Without feedback "eating healthy" and exercising is simply death by self righteousness.
Your Humble Servant,
Gracefully Savage