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Re: IMMUNOCAL is a milk serum protein
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Re: IMMUNOCAL is a milk serum protein

Immunocal contains no lactose and people with milk allergies or intolerances have no problems with it. Only the top creme part of the milk is used (the best part which ironically is the part that's thrown away in the current milk industry). Although it's made from milk it's barely a milk product and people with milk intolerances have no problems taking it.

It's featured in the book "Glutathione (GSH): Your body's most powerful healing agent" by Dr Gutman, if you'd like to know more.

I also took it for years when I had Candida, daily, and it certainly didn't make it worse. As a matter of fact, it completely eliminated the broncitis and pneumonia I was suffering from badly one year, I never had it for 7 years after.

Supplementing has been difficult, as research suggests that glutathione taken orally is not well absorbed across the GI tract.
All of the published clinical studies using bioactive whey proteins mentioned in the references above used a form of a bioactive whey protein and bonded cystine dietary supplement derived from lactose-free organic milk (whey protein) called Immunocal. This whey protein is clinically proven to increase glutathione levels within the lymphocytes of the immune system by 35.5% while increasing peak power and muscular performance by 13%. [22]

Having said that, I still wouldn't bother with either Colustrum or Immunocal. I know for fact that Immunocal is a great immune system booster, but it won't help you "get over" Candida.



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