Teen Refused Chemo, Beat Cancer With 'Alternative' Therapies
Friday, June 06, 2008
FLOYD, Va. — Starchild Abraham Cherrix has plenty of reason to celebrate his 18th birthday Friday.
His latest blood results show no indication of the Hodgkin's disease he's battled since 2005, and for the first time in two years he doesn't have to report those results to the Accomack County court.
Cherrix won a court battle against state officials who tried to force him to undergo chemotherapy for his lymphatic cancer. He was allowed to treat the disease using alternative therapies, but his family was required to keep the court updated as to his progress.
His case led to a state law named after him that gives Virginia teenagers and their parents the right to refuse doctor-recommended treatments for life-threatening ailments.
Cherrix completed radiation treatments last year. He has also used alternative herbal treatments.