Eating / Swallowing the lemon seeds / Pulp / peel
I've done
The Master Cleanser for 14 days before. Now I'm on my 5th day. I would like to go for 30-40 days this time.
I wonder if it is recommended to swallow or eat (i.e. bite and swallow) the lemon seeds / pulp or peel?
A few days ago I started to swallow the seeds, but as far as I noticed, at least certain amount was eliminated "As is", which indicates no benefit to the body, to the best of my understanding.
Then I started "eating" the seeds and they taste like a peach seed (quiet bitter). I wonder if this is a good thing or shall I avoid it?
At first, I saw that lemon or grapefruit seed extract is healthy. SO why to buy the seed extract if I can simply eat the seed? Now I think it may have other aspects into it.
By adding the pulp or seeds to my diet (either biting or swallowing), I could not notice any different whatsoever.
I wonder if there are guidelines in the subject.