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Re: Origin of God
GodSpeak Views: 1,770
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Re: Origin of God

I've caused atheists to look into God with the cause and effect argument and it answers your question in my opinion. (It's also called The Law of Causality.) But I prefer to call it simply cause and effect. You might want to try it on this person though. Be ready to be challenged by that person, and be careful of your wording.

Cause and Effect:
Cause and effect is the principle that everything seen and unseen has been caused by something else, and every cause has an effect. For instance, a house is caused or an effect of humans. Everything in the universe is caused or an effect of the singularity. (Just follow me with this, I don't believe in the big bang, unless it was caused by God)

There are three rules for cause and effect.
Now rule #1: A cause has to be greater than its effect. Universal causes cannot be lower than universal effects. For instance a human cannot create something greater than a human. We can create houses, computers, cars or what ever, but it will never be greater than a human as a whole. The universe can create a planet but the planet can never be greater than the universe.
Rule #2: Nothing physical can create itself on its own without any outside help. Everything physical ALWAYS relies on something else to explain it's existance. The universe requires a singularity and everything after that requires the universe to explain it's existance.
Rule #3: A cause also has to exist before the effect. An effect cannot occur before the cause. A house cannot exist before the human that made it. A universe cannot exist before the singularity that made it.

Ask them if they follow what you've said so far & ask them if they agree with it. They won't want to appear dumb and will usually agree. I've only met one person who wouldn't agree to these things. He was a B-theorist, which means he doesn't agree to the standard concept of time. Funny thing though, is he believed in the standard concept of time when it came to evolution and big bang, so I exposed him as a hypocrite. So you can always expose Science as the false religion that it is.

Anyway, once they agree to "cause and effect" tell them:
Weather you believe there is no God or there is a God, there has to be something uncaused that started the whole process of all existence.
People who believe in the big bang believe the universe was caused by a singularity, and the singularity "might" have been caused by various things like quantum foam, bubbles, or branes. But the question that always remains is, what caused those things to come into existence. Since nothing physical can create itself there will ALWAYS have to be something else that caused it to exist if it's physical.
Since nothing physical can create itself, it has to be something non-physical that caused everything to come into existence, and it has to be eternal. If they say, now wait a minute, there is nothing that is non-physical, remind them of dark matter, which no one has seen and that they've been looking for this stuff for years now and haven't found any, and that it's not made out of what we are, matter. Remind them that according to quantum mechanics it's possible to be in many places and different dimensions at the same time. Remind them of the double slit experiment (Here's a video explaining it
conducted years ago that proved electrons can be either matter or waves depending on weather the electrons are being observed. This "physical" world is a LOT stranger than it seems and there is quite a few things that defy the common concept of “physical” or a "physical" universe.
If they argue that the original cause doesn't have to be eternal, remind them that time and space started at the big bang according to science. And remind them that since it existed before time and space, and it still exists because causes are still being created, it must be eternal. It has no beginning or end.
If they say the universe will end according to Science remind them that the first law of thermodynamics states that no matter or energy can be created or destroyed. Matter can be converted into energy, and energy into matter, but the total amount of all matter and energy must remain unchanged. (Ohio State University link
So the universe couldn’t have created itself or end according to the 1st law of thermodynamics. The person will either have to admit Science is wrong, or agree with you.

Now if what caused such an incomprehensible universe is greater than the universe,according to the law of cause and effect, and this cause existed before the universe, try and imagine how much older and greater this cause has to be. This cause would have to be beyond human comprehension, since the greatest human minds are unable to understand the universe or simple things like disease, or the human body. Since this cause existed before time, (Science says time started at the “Big Bang”) the cause is also eternal and actually created time and space. This original cause has to be uncaused to start the process of all existance. There is no other possibility weather you believe in science or religion. There HAS TO BE an uncaused cause to start it all, and like I've been saying nothing physical can create itself, so what does that leave? The non-physical.

More points to make:
Since a cause has to be greater than the effect, evolution is false and wrong. :-)

Characteristics of this Cause/Creator:)
Further more, this eternal un-caused cause of all that is, must be knowing, because knowing beings exists. I am a knowing being, and I know it. And this cause must be all-knowing because it caused everything we know, and all that we don’t know.

Also if the effect/creation actually possesses some characteristic, then this characteristic must be properly attributed to its cause/creator. The cause/creator cannot give what it does not have. If my mind or ability to know is received, then there must be a mind or knower who gave it to me. Intellectual does not arise from the nonintellectual; something cannot arise from nothing. That which planned the ear, must also hear. That which formed the eye, must also see.

So this creator is both infinite and personal; and has infinite personality. This creator has to have a true personality, since we have personality. The infinity of this creator places it forever beyond the full comprehension of material and finite beings. A house or computer will never understand a human.

To assume that the universe can be understood, is to realize the universe is mind made and personally managed. For our personality to experience the universe, we must realize there is a divine mind and an actual personality concealed somewhere in the universe. A lot of people in astronomy say they gazed out into the skies and “felt an affinity or connection with the universe.”

A creator can only communicate to its creation by some means that the creation and creator have in common. A spiritual being can communicate with a spiritual part of us. The physical part of us can never communicate spiritually.

As a reality in human spiritual experience, the creator is not a mystery. But when an attempt is made to understand the realities of the spirit world with physical minds, mystery appears: mysteries so subtle and so profound that only the faithful creator knowing mortal can achieve the philosophic miracle of the recognition of the infinite by the finite.

But this same finite human being can actually feel, and literally experience, the full and undiminished impact of such an infinite experience. Such spiritual infinity can be truly experienced, although the quality and quantity of such an experience is strictly limited by each human’s capacity for spiritual receptivity.

Reason why science can't understand a God:
Human personality is like a time-space shadow cast by the infinite creator personality. And no adequate comprehension can be made by an examination of a shadow.

To us there is a future, but the creator inhabits eternity. Mortal man cannot possibly know the infinity of the creator. Finite mind cannot think through such an absolute truth or fact.

Universal reality cannot be grasped by mathematics, logic, or philosophy, but only by personal experience in progressive accord to the divine nature of a personal creator. Neither science, philosophy, nor theology can validate the personality of this creator.

Using cause and effect you can show how God is the only logical conclusion to explain all of existence. It is the only thing that explains the universe as we know it.
The central message of this argument, and the law of cause and effect upon which it is based, is this: Every effect must have an adequate and greater cause. The universe is here; intelligent life is here; morality is here; love is here. What is their adequate cause? The result of helium & hydrogen infusing like science says? Since the creation/effect can never proceed, or be greater than the creator/cause, the creator/cause of all life must be a living intelligence that is both moral and loving. When the Bible records, “In the beginning, God...,” it makes known to us just such a First Created Cause.
The Bible states exactly what this first uncreated, greater, eternal, unseen, all-knowing, and loving creator is. GOD! Scientists are the ones who violate their own laws and thus must be wrong.

The key to knowing God and ourselves is knowing God is there and we are the creations of this original creator, and then live true to what we really are, half physical and half spiritual. We would then speed up the process of our advancement and get over the trials of life, and grow up to be the great beings God has planned for us to become and is helping us become as we cry and drag our feet like little children while we’re being lead down the trail of greatness. If everyone could only trust that which created this unimaginable universe and us, and what this creator really is, and the goal this creator has for us. That would be the greatest day on Earth! There would be Heaven on Earth.

Well good luck Zooii! Just throwing my two cents into the hat.


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