--Answer--Success Testimonial--Herpes, gone!
Hi #53126,
Thank-you for sharing your Success Testimonial below, so that others may find Hope:
I suffered, and I DO mean suffered, from repeated attacks of herpes zoster for years.
Drugs prescribed did not completely suppress it and were expensive. I worried about side effects, too.
The amino acid lysine worked a bit better on the herpes, but did nothing for my many other health issues, including a very weak immune system.
A variety of adaptogenic herbs from around the world helped, but the final push was the Moreless drink, baths, watching diet and food quality, etc. For the last year, even extreme stress does not bring the dreaded herpes back!
Instead of worrying about drug side-effects, I get better and better in many unexpected ways. [Side BENEFITS!!!]
This is one of the most cost effective health practices I have ever found, very empowering with the strong emphasis on self-responsibility, so probably the most profoundly self-loving health practice one can adopt. This will be an ongoing lifestyle choice for me.
Answer: And may you continue to find the many Blessing you Seek after in your Quest for Better health !
Smile Tis your choice.