I have used bloodroot; but I find cansema to be more powerful. I did not use them on cancer though. I used them to remove a couple of healthy moles. Don't believe it, if they claim to kill only unhealthy skin.
This site had the cansema. http://www.altcancer.com/cansema.htm
You can't order from them on-line anymore. They were kicked out of the U.S. I believe you can find cansema elsewhere.
I wish I could find an escharotic that had a smoother consistency than these. I even bought the bloodroot and tried to make my own with a little bee's wax. Same grainy consistency. It is not easy to spread. I would have to use a toothpick instead. Then I would kind of mound it on the mole and put a bandaid over it. Otherwise it will stain cloth. Two days later, it would scab, then fall off nicely.
So, if you know of something like that in a creme, please let me know.