Hi, I am on day 1. Today a terrible headache started right after taking 2 capsules of humaworm in the morning. I took my evening dose too. The headache still continues (it is a little past midnight now).
The strange thing with this headache is that it seems to be on the left side of my head, and I developed dark circles and bags under my eyes today as the headache advanced. The bag is a little bigger under the left eye.
Is this die-off?? or a bad reaction to any of the ingredients? which ingredient may cause bags under the eyes??
Tonight I drank 2 cups of a special blend of a blood purifying herbal tea (yellow dock, burdock, dandelion, nettle, etc..) hoping that it may help getting rid of the toxins, and help the bags under the eyes, etc.. no result yet.. I am drinking chamomile tea right now..