Crackling downs are cracker jacks.
Long and short as all are titles.
Throttle ways are ways to all.
Molly Joey games of cards have three.
Powers bite the hard with brightly wands.
Tiffany traders YUO Joe Yee check the tidy china.
Father YUO got a bundled stick to lead as all are calling goddess.
Mother YUO is tiger-ISH Mom.
Mother YUO had got a stack of games to lead to all to calling gods.
Mammy dodging YUO Joe will come on hard with bossy Yong Sa Sam.
All to cure get objects concerns.
All as fetishes go to powers foot the bills.
Fetishes over taking powers come to beg the Christ.
WUJANTO creations down on faces are trips with egos.
Eiffel towers need the breezes.
China storms will bust to all the cherries.
WUJANTO swears on stacks with books as there have no armies’ daisy chains.
Bore a man a new to one.
WUJANTO swears on stacks with books as there are china sweeping clean.
To peoples-For peoples-As peoples-With peoples-Are peoples!
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------