17 y
Apparently, Bruce you think by saying ugly things about people that gives you creditibilty. Wrong, it just shows the shallowness of your mind and spirit.
You posted the site, I didn't. You chose the site, I didn't and as far as my stating someone was sitting on your lap, again your wrong.
Now you can say anything you like about me, you don't matter.
You used a crude and vile site to have an attempt at humor. If that is what your trying to show but facts are facts and the site had numerious pictures of vaginas. To say other than that is a lie, which makes you the liar, not me.
You are rude and crude.
I am not asking anyone to believe me I gave the place where they can verify who is telling the truth.
Has nothing to do with who is high and mighty. It has everything to do with character and sir, you are in great lack of it.
You really need to do some soul searching to find why you would be so crude. What is it that you lack in your life that makes you think it is ok to direct someone to a vile website and without warning them I might add.
Do you get your thrills through shock value.
I thought you were better than that and in that I am sadden for you.
Once you get past all that anger and you have spewed all the vemon in your heart, take a moment and think on what you have done.
The person who should be angry is me since you pushed this trash into my face without the decency of warning of content. But I am not anger towards you Bruce, I pity you.