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Re: my expierance with mms and hep c to all
demonfighter Views: 2,829
Published: 17 y
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Re: my expierance with mms and hep c to all

ok here is what i was doing taking 3 large glasses full or more of grapefruit juice a day with one whole grape fruit blended into liquid added into the whole thing, as well as virgin cocoa nut oil, i was eating a amount of bananas 2 a day i stayed positive but felt tons of negativity as the torment was so great and im hypersensitive to everything. at the peak i was taking 10 drops 2-3 times a day i wasnt having diarrhea every day but missed weeks of work and did spend days on the crapper when taken on empty stomach figuring my blood would get more of the substance in it faster , i was hopeful as in the book a woman took one dose one time and was cured of hep c and jim said virusas just seem to of dissapeared but its been out long enough to see this simply is not the case so that is why now im perhaps not in the best disposition but im desperate so im open to trying it again soon perhaps ill just take small dose and add my new hope oxymatrine( i know Jim said stay away from oranges but he never mentioned grape fruit could this have hindered it? my stomach is now better healed up with baking soda then licrish root i figuered if it tore me up like that it was working just not the right thing working


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