Go peacefully--cauchy3
Go peacefully…
Go peaceful
MOJO says so as to buzz and zoom in.
China leaders say so to calm to all to down.
Gods will say so to marry Merry.
Cauchy3 will say so as pledge a tennis fan or all for safe.
Tribune says as so as to protect lives.
Domes and lofts are said so ready men.
Leather stockings say as so as getting free.
K.G.B. the he will says as so as the others keys are them to erase.
China says as so is votive forces to arms to treat our worlds.
Treats and tricks as China says so.
All DEFENCE of POTRY says as so to think about our worlds.
China peoples come belong to groups and act against of outing groups.
Go peacefully…
Cauchy3 says as so as loves to loves and peaces will need a even.
However who are you to who as gods the wars are cruel.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------