The person that I relate most to on this thread is Alkalizingkatie. Her symptoms sound almost identical to mine. I have been constipated for years, no energy , very poor digestion,(especially fats)can't gain weight,(some people might like that, I do not)candida,depression,I could go on and on. There are too many to list. I was going down the tubes. I feel like I was given a gift, and I am going to run with it. I woke up this morning feeling HAPPY.That, in itself is a miracle to me. If anything, I am underplaying the benefits that I have felt in such a short period of time. I am afraid that Charlie is going to be so bombarded, that he will forget about me.But I have been in such misery over the years, that if even one person would benefit from something that I have found, that would be wonderful. I would not hesitate for one second to try his tonic. I am so very glad I took that leap of faith. With gratitude, Linda