Thanks. I've learned that taurine is an amino acid that is necessary for bile production. It is also one of the main amino acids the heart uses for smooth rhythm. It can help boost cardiac output when one is suffering from CHF or cardiomyopathy. It can act in the brain like an antidepressant and is needed in greater quantities during periods of stress, anxiety, grief or depression.
Low levels are seen in retinal degeneration.
Taurine is said to control epileptic seizures, uncontrolled facial tics, /twitches and hyperactivity.
It is necessary to activate amino acids which are the building blocks of protein with a natural B6. I chose to use the Standard Process Cataplex B.
Part of the "feeding" because most people who are ill and are tested for taurine in the blood are low.
Thought this might be some useful information.