Re: (((((((rockybird))))))))
The jury is still out for me about obama. There are two types of people in this world- Givers and Takers. My gut tells me obama is a giver. I may be wrong but I don't have anything to lose for being wrong. The first time obama proves me wrong as President, I will end my support for him. I believe obama may also turn out to be a man of integrity. I hope you are wrong.
As far as survival goes, when there were food shortages during "The Great Depression," men did not go around like zombies killing each other for food. It could go that way if anarchists rule the day but anarchy is a playground for psychopaths and narcissists who only care about themselves. They will draw their own kind of justice to themselves. They don't care about children or their fellow human being. If you give your power to your buddies with guns then you are no different than Americans giving their power to Bu$h. I for one will not kill anyone short of dragging a psycho lunatic off of a family member. It may happen but I hope not. Short of your Zombie scenario, I believe most people will live in peace after a catastrophe. I would rather die than behave as a monster. Cacheting or hiding my stored food seems a better way to humanely survive in your Zombie scenario than going out and stealing other peoples' food. In the worst case scenario, starving to me would be preferable to killing another human being for their food. In my right mind,I will not do it. If you take away that option then it opens up hundreds of other possibilities.I am a fairly resourceful guy. I hope I will find a way to keep my family fed.
I was not suggesting people move out away from cities only to land out in the open for coyotes to prey on. I was trying to suggest we should get away from cities under siege from a catastrophe while we have a chance and start heading toward family and friends who are in a safer area. If your city is downwind of a nuclear attack or there is a biological attack in a large city and you stay, then you may very well encounter your zombies. If you stay then perhaps you will have to fight for food and clean water but I have family in not so large cities and some in rural areas that are fairly far away. With enough fuel, food, and water, I hope I can get there as quickly as possible and avoid the distopian nightmare the paint ball lovers and gun collectors envision. That worst case scenario may happen but it doesn't have to happen that way. In the Great Depression, people came together and helped each other out. I believe there will be room for all kinds of possibilities but most people want to live peaceably with one another. If you act aggressive, most people will also respond likewise in self defense but if you act peaceably then most people will return the favor. I hope to get to a safe place before desperation and hunger makes people act at their worst.
One thing one should do is have a long term plan for securing food, water, and shelter. If you are dislocated, you should be capable of bartering your labor or goods for the things you need. You will certainly encounter more smiling faces if you bring knowledge of how to build a water well or collect and store rainwater rather than bringing a gun to hijack someone's water. You will have more friends if you share seed to grow food than you will by barricading yourself in and shooting anyone with dark skin. If you know how to help someone who is sick with an herbal cure then people may even greet you with a smile. Rather than breaking into a pharmacy for drugs you hope will save your loved ones from suffering, have a solar charger for rechargeable 9volt batteries to make
Colloidal Silver . Having guns, bullets and knowing how to use them as a first option diminishes one's other options. Guns attract guns. You can place your bet on it and there is always someone with bigger gun. Thinking it all the way through, having something to offer that is healing is more preferable than responding to a crisis as Mad Max in some type Machiavellian video game. With love as the center of one's conscious it seems that one's survival and conscious are left intact.
I may be giving too much credit to obama. He may turn out to be just as bad as the Bu$h/Clinton crime families, but at least he seems to me to be a giver. We shall see. You can start buying bullets and I will be storing food. Whatever you reap, so shall you sow. Give love in all circumstances and you may lose your life but whatever you do in love will be gain for your soul.
Y_h bless