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Re: MMS in a lot of water
SilverFox Views: 2,036
Published: 17 y
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Re: MMS in a lot of water

Hello Alive,

Interesting question...

In water treatment, you adjust the dose for the quantity of water you are trying to treat, and the bacterial load present. If you come up a little bit low on concentration, you can then adjust the contact time to compensate. I am not sure the body works the same way, but if it did, your 1 drop in a liter of water would be a lower concentration and would have to stay inside you for a longer period of time than the 1 drop in a half cup of water. I am not sure that is possible, so I would have to guess that there would be a difference.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you only dilute 15 drops with half a cup of water, you will end up with a solution that is too high a concentration for the body to handle. In this case, you will probably experience nausea and diarrhea. In this case you would be better off with the 15 drops in a liter of water.

It seems that in both cases illustrated, there would be a difference, so the answer to your question seems to be no... the effect may be different.



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