17 y
ok, this is malarkey.....please don't copy and paste my messages from other posts and try to relate them to something else...ssi is still a serious thing, i still don't think people should go and apply for it just beacuse they don't have money for a bone density test....hello people, it's called your local free clinic, look it up in your phone book or google it...if that doesn't help you talk to your local hospital, i've yet to find a hospital that doesn't offer payment plans on a sliding fee based on income......research before you start dippin into your social security, that's all......and look lady, i'm sorry for what's happened to you, i am, but healing never begins until you learn to let things go...everyone gets hurt in life, but you know what, the world keeps turning....and pointing the blame elsewhere is simply ridiculous, reading posts on a freakin computer message board did not cause your nose bleeds....and if you really think it did, i would also suggest seeing a shrink or other psychiatric professional...and i don't mean for that to come off sounding harsh, but it's true, sometimes people need professional help, and there's nothing wrong with that....there's nothing wrong with admitting you need help....i don't believe myself or any other woman on this board is here to put anyone down or be detramental to the healing process, however, it's hard for some of us to idly sit back and read rants that sound like someone is having a breakdown, ya know, like right out of a movie, stalking doctors and blaming medical conditions on what...message boards???......sorry....had to put my 2 cents in.....i wish nothing but the best for everyone, and i just don't like my words to be misconstrued....