Re: 9 month blood test results, progress made!
The light at the end of the tunnel ... AIN'T IT GRAND?
JM, speak with your dr about
Coconut oil's antiviral properties - read Bruce Fiffe's The Coconut Oil Miracle
Oregano Oil's antiviral properties - read Cass Ingram's The Cure Is In The Cabinet
Olive Leaf's antiviral properties - and if I tell you the author and name, I might have to kill you ... did that sound better than the duh, I can't think right now?
This oil and 2 herbs have specific reasons why they actually do work. I can explain the basic of the coconut oil to you:
all cells have a cellular membrane that is made of lipids/fats and water. Viruses, bacteria, protozoa have tighter meshed membranes than out cells. One of the wonders of medium-chain fatty acids is that they can incorperate into these tightly messed membranes, loosening them up. The internal natural high-pressure of the cells cause them to explode! You don't have to kill them! Just help them self-destruct :D