Ken Lay, white collar criminal of Enron mass energy and stock market fraud and swindle, died yesterday at age 62 years old of a heart attack. Ken Lay was awaiting sentancing in August of 2006, some say it was to be 40 to 100 years jail time for his part in the massive energy fraud, house of cards Enron, that bilked millions out of thier money and life savings.
Lawsuits against Ken Lay will still go forward as they are directed at the deep pockets of the big BANKS that conceled, aided and abeted Ken Lays enron fraud. The banks played the critical part in helping Ken Lay perpetuate his financial fraud.
White collar fraud Ken Lay found guitly and then dead.
Attorneys sueing the deep pocket banks that bankrolled and perpetuated the enrot fraud.
See, there really is divine justice.