Re: The 11th hour
whatever happened to common sense, discrimination and good taste all of which you need to dislike decaprio!
Your absolutely right re:science - the watered down "science" that the public revere are only half stories that are unsubstantiated and when they are explained they are highly convoluted rhetorical retorts that aim to confuse.
for example
which reviewed the ipcc report - david karoly acted like a childish fool with explanations throughout that were so convoluted and have since been proven incorrect that even an idiot would say that he was, and unless he has moved from the dark side, is: a fake and an incredibly annoying one at that.
misquoted Prof Christie, incorrect about sea temps, incorrect about solar forcings, incorrect re: co2 leading temperature change as has been proven by ice core samples.
The whole program was biased as the abc interviewer admitted on opening the debate.
If the rest of the debate is watched you will notice the C14 issue is casually dismissed and was in fact a key point re: age of hydrocarbons.
explains this somewhat
But then if the 11th hour was presented by jessica alba in a bikini I might be tempted to watch with the sound turned down