My advice for along with treating candida is find out which amino acids you are LOW in and correct the balance. According to some studies amino acids defiency relate to low vitamin B complex. Vitamin b complex stimulates hydrchloric acid especially Vitamin B-3 and Vitamin B-12. Amino acids like taurine, cysteine and etc. balance out amino acids for the overal body to balance.
There are estimates of 70 million Americans with generalized candidiasis. More than half of the Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients I have worked with have candida as a contributing factor. On rare occasions, I have seen it to be the main etiologic factor in CFS. The amino acid, Taurine, when deficient, is an indication of candida. It is not predictive, but does indicate that further testing should be done. The most important test to be done next is comprehensive stool analysis with yeast culture and sensitivity. ...