Re: r4000 wants debate closed down
Well done Jon, maybe I have misread you a bit, or maybe you are seeing through the quagmire of "DETOX" and "HERX" fore yourself, if that's so you better be careful, you will end up on the debate forum debating
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol.
I get tired of people saying they feel so much better, well if they keep taking heroin for a headache I am telling you, the headaches are gone and the amount of heroin will increase. They can get the same results with 1/280th of what they are using.
If you really are interested Jon, send your email address to
and I will send you a pH chart and an addition rate table etc, they allow you to see what you are taking properly, not drops, and different acids.
See the book Say's you take no more that 1ppm of free ClO2, I can live with that. but it also says a 15 drop dose is 3mg/L, which is 300ppm.
And what amount of drops = the 1ppm 1, 5 8 10 or 15drops.
I will also state 5 times the amount of
citric acid activator required for the application is being used.
Jon, there is nothing I say that I can not support, I don't hide behind a number like r4000, "it's ok to change your mind he says", ask him why he changed his mind, because he wants the glory and there was none here for her, I mean him, the big girl.
Close him down not the forum.
He is the one that posted humbles claims of me being a killer, see the good little doer does what he is told without thought, then he gets on here and Say's you all behave all you get banned.
I am still awaiting r400, you asked if I would go on the radio about my claims and I said yes, still can find a debater hey!