Re: Workplace Bullying: I work with a first class bully
I work with this first class bully... She berates everyone... She seems to go after people that are very nice and badgers them into submission... She also has some kind of tie to an upper level manager (personal)
She has been working on me for about 2 years now... First let me explain, she is a process tech and I am a maintenance tech, which make my job level a couple numbers higher than hers...... She has done many things to *P* me off in those two years and I've reacted accordingly (fight back) This reasoning has gotten me called into the office many times......
So I have resorted to humor... She asks me whats the tool status, I tell her to read the white board (updated what I have to do, and when I finish each thing I cross it off with the time spent on it)
She has called my boss several times that she has no maintenance coverage... He calls me and I tell him, I've been behind tool #xxx, not a big area and my pager is on... If she can't find me then she wasn't in the area....
She tells me other shifts have 2 process techs and she is one and I say too bad you forced your other tech out..... I am your only Maintenance and all three other shifts have 3 people..... I get my work done and because no one can find you I do half your work (because no one wants to deal with you)...
This has worked because what can she report about me,,,, I'm a smartass!!!!!!!
I told her this week that that hump growing on her back is all the miserable things you have done to people in the past, and the more miserable you are the more the hump is going to grow.. I also told her last night if you don'dt get more control of your operators that her boss and my boss are going to be involved in a lose-lose situation that she is going to have to explain.... and since I don't get any process tech support she has a lot of explaining to do......
Got I luv humor it works every time... It seems to undermind the person who is serious
Another thing, my grandmother was the meanest bitch that god ever creatded, and the acorn doesn't fall far fron the tree..... Im not as good as my grandmother, but I get results....
Patience and being an old bitch work every time (I hope)