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Re: fungal or yeast on the skin..
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Re: fungal or yeast on the skin..

Hi Helpme17th,
I do feel that itching occurs with Seborrheic Dermatitis (I experience this symptom) when there is a fungal infection, though I don't know enough to be able to say if the former is because of the latter.

I am concluding this because I find oral application of neem oil to be useful in reducing the inflammation and this particular oil is known for its anti-fungal properties.
Similarly, in India, you get an Ayurvedic ointment called Betex, which is sold as a cure for excema, Psoriasis etc. It contains salysilic acid, camphor and tankan Amla (boric acid). The first is an anti-inflammatory, camphor is an antifungal while boric acid is a germicide. Clearly, many people do approach Seborrheic Dermatitis , excema etc as a localized problem.
I recently tried peppermint oil. Since my rash is on my face, my eyes started to smart and I shed a lot of tears but I have a feeling that it dried up the eruption. Menthol in peppermint oil is known to have antifungal properties while peppermint oil is also considered to be an antibacterial.
I have not yet tried Oregano oil, a powerful antifungal, but it may be worth trying.
Incidentally, I believe that I am allergic to camphor and the last round of eruption was set off on contact with it. This makes me feel that my problem, as well as that of many other sufferers like me, could possibly be an allergy rather than something internal to my body like Candida etc.
I would normally conclude that Seborrheic Dermatitis is an external rather than an internal problem. Unfortunately, I developed folliculitis for the first time with this round of eruptions, which seems to point an infection in the oil glands (an internal issue) rather than a skin surface problem.
Hope these disjointed thoughts help.



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