Interpretation, pls!
I literally NEVER remember my dreams, and if I do, by the time I'm fully awake, it's drifted away.
Last night I had a doozy of a dream that was not only remembered, but heart-felt.
My estranged husband and I were flying on a plane somewhere together. It felt good to be with him because I recall both of us reclining in the back of the plane & when we reached our destination, as I sat up first, I kissed his leg?????????
We disembarked while the pilot of the plane went off to do something. As my husband and I entered what seemed to be an airport restaurant, we were greeted by the host. Then my husband looked over to me and said, "Have a good meal" and briskly left the restaurant leaving me there quite bewildered...
As I stood there stunned for a moment, I rallied and attempted to follow him out the restaurant door, however as I looked around for him, he had absolutely vanished. I remember feeling crestfallen. Typically I do not feel emotions in my dreams.
Anyone have a clue?