I've read a few post here and realize how stuck some of you feel in your life. Believe me I was in the same boat before I decided to get out of the fear and take action. I worked at a high paying job in a hospital. Very stressful and had gotten to the point where my health was suffering. In my deepest heart I knew this was not where I was supposed to be. It didn't feel right. I did not get any fullfillment from my job and my soul was not being nourished. Don't get me wrong. I do think I was there to learn some important lessons, but I had gotten to the point of having a feeling of completion there and knew that I needed to move on. That brings me to the next phase of my life, which started about a year ago. I quit my job, much to my husbands objections. (Please don't listen to the nay sayers out there.) I had the deepest conviction that if I trully believed the universe is benevolent and I had the burning desire for change, then by golly I would find the answers I needed.
My advice to anyone reading this, is to find what really resonates with your soul. What makes you get up in the morning exicited to be alive? For me I loved the internet, I loved the idea of working from home and for that matter anywhere in the world. I love to travel and meet different people so I can take my business anywhere I go. To me this is true freedom and I just love it. I know this isn't for everyone but there is still opportunity out on the net. The business I do is really pretty simple. If anyone wants to take a look use this link and it will explain it in more detail. Just key in your info and watch the 7 minute movie. It's fun! http://movie.ws/intheflow