Re: "PAINTING IODINE" niece painted throat
I think 2 weeks is great to go 24 hrs already without the
Iodine absorbing.
My niece came over and thought she was coming down with something as she was starting to get a sore throat. I told her what I read about painting
Iodine on the sides of her throat and wrists to get rid of a sore throat. It worked for her, and she was well to take her trip to Vancouver BC which she had planned.
My husband got the sore throat stuff also, and he was terribly sick, It wasn't till the second day that I suggested he paint
Iodine on his throat and his wrists. He is doing much better. I only wish I would of thought about it sooner before it became full blown. My niece caught hers just in time when she started coming down with it and painted for 3 days in a row, and she did not get any worse but perked up quite soon, which was great for her as she had a full schedule before leaving to Canada.
I am now painting my throat and soaking my feet at night so that I won't come down real sick like my husband. I can tell I'm winning the fight as I only have a slight headache. So it's fighting it off well IMO.