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Hi imaxfli,

Your question: There are THOUSANDS of opinions out there..if I had to guess I would say these small "boils" ARE some form of toxin/acid release, but I don't KNOW that, a conventional Dr. would say "what toxin would they be, all your tests are normal(of course he saw nothing wrong with a urine pH of 5.2)"...I was looking for an opinion from people associated with your protocol, to see if anyone had a similar thing.

Answer: Since you seem to be having a little too much Brain Fog, maybe I can suggest some ideas for you to consider, so that maybe it will be understandable for you?

Boils? Do you get them when you are Healthy?

What about other folks?

Do Healthy folks get Boils?

Is a Boil something that makes one feel good, or is it something that causes Pain and Suffering?

Because "Common Sense" tells us that a Boil is not something that Healthy folks are bothered with, then it is Safe to consider that a Boil may be Caused from too many Toxins in this area of our body !

Now, to the question as to if Alkalizing may have any thing to do with a Boil showing up?

Suppose that one has Too much Stored Fatty Toxins in Different body Tissues and one begins to change ones Life style so as to Cause to many of these Stored Toxins to move from Storage to our Lymphatic Fluids where they Seek an escape route?

And what if "WE" Yet Lack in enough Alkaline Mineral Reserves to Neutralize these Fatty Acids in our Lymphatic Fluids?

Could this Overload of Toxins in our Lymphatic Fluids Cause "US" to Break out with some Boils?

Consider this Success Testimonial , where this person broke out in a Horror of Healing reaction after moving to the Bio-dynamic farm and eating Fresh farm produce and then she was Healed:

Of course if we do not continue to feed our bodys with Top Quality Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of Top Quality, then "WE" may expect to have problems later on !

Cause and Effect !

"WE" are What "WE" EAt !

Smile Tis your choice.



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