A Personal Story
Last Wed, I got up feeling crumby. By midafternoon, I knew I was running a fever. I took an extra round of oregano oil, olive leaf and 1 tbsp of coconut oil and went to bed for a long nap. When I got up, my fever was gone, I had that recovery day feeling after having had the flu ... like a wrung out dishrag. Part of one day! Now that's the way to be sick, huh?
If you haven't already, read Bruce Fiffe's The Coconut Oil Miracle. He used medical studies that had been hidden away to write this book and gives fantastic info on why and how coconut oils medium-chain fatty acids cause viruses and bacteria to self distruct.
My body is 70% water when properly hydrated and kept at a pretty warm temperature, a perfect combination for fungal growth, I'd say. Part of my everyday life is pure, wild Turkish oregano oil and olive leaf tincture for their anti-fungal properties. They are both also anti-viral and anti bacterial.
What I experienced last Wed is the closest that I've come to having a cold or flu in over 2 yrs.
I consider parasites anything that is trying to share my personal terraine. NOPE!! MY body, they should get their own. If I can kill 'em naturally, you can betcha, I'm gonna!