I did it so far for 5 days 15 to 20 times twice a day. I got the black scab and it came off. Smooth skin underneath. The first day my 30 year old son said it looked like a scar. The third day since now only putting Lugols on once a day it's filling in. I can't tell if the age spots are coming back thru, but the mole looks like it came back. My sister saw me today and said I look better like I had better coloring. So did my niece who came over yesterday. The whites of my eyes look brighter also. I will start again soon for the second round. I do need to stay indoors as I am orange, but I decided to go ahead and go thru with it and see what happens.
After I paint the spots I do one coat over my whole face using 6 to 8 drops. Yes, call me crazy but I'm too curious and it hasn't done any damage. It does burn slightly now and then.