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Re: Private Wells will be Illegal or Metered as they are in my area. nm
Zoebess Views: 1,085
Published: 17 y
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Re: Private Wells will be Illegal or Metered as they are in my area. nm

We have a hand-pump one which would be
relatively difficult to find, and I am
not telling, although, most likely the
well pump house would give our other

I wonder if water is sitting under your
property if it does not sort of mean
it is yours?? Sort of like the air you
breathe and the sunshine that shines
down on your garden are yours??

If things get to the point that people
can no longer afford basic necessities,
like gas, food and housing...would it
not be criminal to deny them water??

Hard to imagine someone being jailed
for stealing water out of the ground.
Oops, forgot the privatization of
prisons makes that look appealing to
those making bucks off of incarcerating
folks for anything they can think of
imprisoning them illegal
water usage.

Its a bad idea if you are asking me
though...since if you live in a city,
its metered, but out near to nowhere
where wells are the way to suck some
moisture out of the ground, well...
its a deeper subject~!

Wish me luck~~

best wishes,




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