I have a bad smell that emanates from the back, sides and front of my neck as well as behind my ears. It does not come from anyplace else on my body. I smell it particularly strongly when I get up in the morning as the smell is all over my pillow. It's not a fecal smell, but it is offensive nevertheless. What's really strange is that even after I shower, the smell will be back in mere minutes. I thought that I might have a reaction to the kind of shampoo I use, but that's been eliminated as a possiblilty. I have gone to the extreme of showering using Providone-Iodone soulution and straight bleach as a whole body bath after using soap. Same result. The smell returns withing minutes. I notice that the smell does not occur if the skin around my neck and head is dry, but if I get even a little bit damp or even if I'm just in a humid environment, this odor will reveal itself. Any advice is appreciated except for suggestions of amputating my head. Anybody recommending this is off my Christmas card list. To everyone else: Thank you.