If someone has IBS-Diarrhea they should forget the liver flush and handle the IBS-Diarrhea 1st. If not the are putting the cart before the horse.
All IBS-Diarrhea stems from "dysbiosis" and "leakey gut syndrome". all "Dysbiosis and "leaky gut" cases have deficient levels of acidophilus and bifido bacteria.
Bifido bacteria is an important factor is your livers ability to detox. Low levels of bifido reduce the livers ability to detox on any level in any manner.
Therefore if one has IBS-Diarrhea they will not get the full benefit from the flush as long as the IBS-Diarrhea continues.
It is the wrong sequence.
If the dysbiosis-leaky gut(ibs-diarrhea) is corrected the person may find that the symptoms that compel them to do the liver flush may clear.