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Re: Essential fatty acids make me weak and tired :(
perry53211 Views: 8,055
Published: 17 y
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Re: Essential fatty acids make me weak and tired :(

Yeah, I never tried flax seed oil. Maybe I have some kind of imbalace. Perilla oil really gave me fatigue. I'll try flax seed oil.

I forgot to mention that if I eat fish/spirulina/etc everyday I'll get these weird, almost like pimples, bumps on my body. I'll see them mostly on my arms and rib area. If I try to squeeze one a very small, bright white, very solid ball of (something) comes out. Then a very small hole is left on my skin and it bleeds. The hole doesn't last forever though. Weird.

Could this be caused by some kind of hormone inbalance? I get fatigue if I also eat too many peanuts as well. I hate not being able to eat food that are supposed to be good for me. It wasn't always like this though. I don't know if I'm just noticing it more now that I'm older or if something caused this. I'm 32 now.

thanks for the responses everyone :)



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