Re: Improvements?
I am much improved. Had die-off for months, really affected my life as I was often too tired and flu-y feeling to get my work done. Was often making late-night runs to Whole Foods scrounging for probiotics like a junkie.
My digestion has improved and my stool looks 'cleaner', no more mucus and visible candida coming out. My urine is more often clear than not, still sometimes foamy but not always like it was previously. Tongue is clean.
Brain fog gone, my balance has improved. More energy, interest in work. I am a freelancer so being a self-starter is critical.
I feel like I'm still getting the deep stuff out. My knees ache sometimes and I'm working on a sinus condition that I'm sure is fungal, not bacterial.
I rotated the usual antifungals -
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and oregano oil mostly, but have cut down. Nasal irrigation twice a day with either saline or CS. Do oxycleanse periodically and am eating kefir, ACV and yogurt every day.. I also take iodine.
Got hooked on tomato soup with tons of cayenne and garlic. Good for the sinuses and felt like I was raining hellfire on the intestinal candida.
Hang in there everybody! You will get better.